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The story of a dynamic industry that dominated Lake County for more than 125 years
Dick Massey
My contact with Dick was mainly through a YMCA program called Indian Guides (an unbelievable program that allowed parents to participate with their young children using an Indian theme – unfortunately the program has been changed; seems a few native Americans took offense!!). Anyway Dick and his son Matt were in the program and I can still see that canoe at Spring Creek with the front end almost under water and the person in the back barely able to get his paddle into the water. Yes, Dick was in front and managed to make it 5 miles in that canoe with his son and another father/son from his tribe. What a dad. Of course Dick had to share his bar-b-que skills as well. He roasted an entire hog at Camp McQuarrie for one campout. My mouth starts to salivate when I think about it now.
Dick was the kind of guy that everybody loved. Always pleasant and I never heard a critical word from him. I had very little contact with him in citrus but know many of you did. He was respected and liked by all. A great guy with a big heart to go along with his big frame. We will miss Big Daddy Massey./son from his tribe. What a dad. Of course Dick had to share his bar-b-que skills as well. He roasted an entire hog at Camp McQuarrie for one campout. My mouth starts to salivate when I think about it now.
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